Proper care for the quality of sleep is very important. When you get all the benefits of every hour of sleep at night, you make the most effective use of every hour of your daily activity.

That is why, in order to create the best products for sleep, Askona uses not only advanced production technologies, but also a unique scientific base.

Laboratory of Sleep

Especially for this, on the basis of the First Clinical Medical Center was established                              Askona Laboratory of Sleep. Laboratory specialists study the characteristics of sleep, its effect on                              human health in general, as well as other processes, that occur in the human body during sleep.                              This research allows us to create products tailored to the individual characteristics of the body structure.                             

Askona products are appreciated by millions of Russians, and mattresses are                              approved by                              the specialists of the Russian Ministry of Health. Today Askona mattresses do not have any                              analogues in Russia.

Laboratory of quality

This is the only such laboratory in Russia that has received an ISO certificate and it is testing                              products according to European standards. Mattresses, sofas and beds must pass quality control                              tests in the laboratory.

The laboratory was created taking into account the experience of leading German and Swedish                              manufacturing companies, where employees of the laboratory were trained. For the tests, which are made in this labaratory                              special modern technique was developed, as well all quality standards are consistent with the European                              UCO system.

Laboratory Testing

On modern equipment mattresses, beds and sofas are being tested with a vertical                      hit,                      static and cyclic loads, as well as for weariness and endurance.

  • Durability tester

    The warranty period of the mattress is determined by a roller, which weights 150 kg. It rolls around                              a mattress from 30,000 to 150,000 times, imitating the movements of a person with a high                              index of body weight during sleep. Based on the data obtained from this test, the warranty                              from 3 to 25 years is assigned to the                              mattress.

  • FBY tester

    Allows you to determine the firmness, hardness and height of the mattress and sofa. Measurements are                              held before and after testing. The data obtained allows to                              draw a conclusion about the quality of the product in accordance with the ISO European standard.

  • Impactor

    Vertical impact testing machine for beds, mattresses and sofas on exposure to a vertical                              impact.                              For this test the product is placed under a free falling 25 kg load impactor with a certain frequency.                              Tests are conducted at 10 different points throughout the                              surfaces, at the parts where the probability of damage is the highest. In this manner the maximum allowable load on the surface is                              determined.

  • Сhair/bed tester

    Multifunctional machine, which is able to determine the factor of safety of the side of the bed,                              a mattress or an armchair. The product is subjected to load in the main nodes for 10,000 cycles.                              The data results of this test had contributed to the emersion of the unique edge support system in the Ascona laboratory.                              Thanks to it the edges of the mattresses received additional hardening and sleeping place increased in size.

Company Askona ensures that our products are not only ideal for you, but also will last for many years to come.

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